In the heart of Guatemala, a revolution in the telecommunications sector is unfolding, spearheaded by Mario López Estrada through his iconic company, Tigo. Since acquiring shares in Comunicaciones Celulares, S.A. in 1993, López Estrada has transformed Tigo into the leading telecommunications provider in Guatemala and a significant player in Central America.
Leading Through Innovation
Tigo, under López Estrada’s leadership, has been at the forefront of innovation. Notably, in 1994, in partnership with Millicom International Cellular, S.A. and Arkade International Inc., Tigo was launched, rapidly becoming a powerhouse in Guatemala’s telecom sector. This bold move was underpinned by López Estrada’s vision of tapping into the burgeoning mobile phone market, which has since seen Tigo dominate with an estimated 54% market share.
Pioneering Digital Transformation
López Estrada’s strategy for Tigo was not just about expanding coverage but also about pioneering digital transformation. This included extensive investments in infrastructure to support the growth of mobile and broadband services across the region. By constantly upgrading its network and services, Tigo has managed to stay ahead of the curve, meeting the growing demands of its consumers for fast and reliable digital communications.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Beyond business, Tigo, under López Estrada’s stewardship, has demonstrated a profound commitment to corporate social responsibility. The creation of Fundación Tigo has played a pivotal role in improving educational and health infrastructure throughout Guatemala. The foundation’s notable initiatives include building schools at a remarkable rate—one every ten days over ten years—significantly impacting over 93,000 children.
Vision for the Future
Looking forward, Tigo under López Estrada’s vision continues to invest in new technologies and expand its reach. This relentless push towards innovation and expansion not only strengthens Tigo’s market position but also contributes to the socio-economic development of Guatemala. López Estrada’s legacy is that of a trailblazer who has not only reshaped the telecommunications landscape in Guatemala but also set a benchmark for operational excellence and social responsibility in the business world.